Barcelona from Park Puxtet
This panorama was shot with 1,200 mm just before sunset. Heat haze is nonetheless distorting the images, but yet there are quite a view details visible on Sagrada Familia. The image size was reduced to about 90 %. George Palov/Michael von Aichberger 2022 - No part of this image may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright owners.
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Image Properties: Shooting date:
19:04 - 19:51
George Palov / Michael von Aichberger
Max. magnification:
121.4 x
Image dimensions:
299900 x 32700 pixels
11.1 gigapixels
Single frames:
89 x 9
= 801 single frames
Canon EOS R5
EF 600mm f/4L IS II USM
+ Extender 2 x III @ 1200 mm
41.409, 2.14268