Paris,View from Montparnasse Tower at night
This small gigapixel image presents the view from 210-metres-high Montparnasse Tower to the west after sunset. ISO 1600, f=2.8, exposure times around 1/30 s. Due to windy conditions on top of that skyscraper longer focal lengths and exposure times were not possible.
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Image Properties: Shooting date:
21:46 - 22:01
Michael von Aichberger
Max. magnification:
21.6 x
Image dimensions:
84813 x 19000 pixels
1.6 gigapixels
Single frames:
13 x 5
= 65 single frames
Canon EOS 5DsR
EF 200 mm f/2.8 L II @ 200 mm
48.8423, 2.32196
  Eiffel Tower Les Invalides Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile Grand Palais Ecole Militaire Pont Alexandre III La Défense Ballon de Paris Unesco Métro Sèvres-Lecourbe Louis Pasteur Monument        
  2.69 km 1.58 km 4.02 km 2.75 km 1.78 km 2.46 km 7.91 km 3.30 km 1.49 km 0.97 km 0.91 km